Request for Applications (RFA 3.0)
Readiness Assessment
ACT Request for Application and Readiness Assessment Process
The 2023 Readiness Assessment/RFA 3.0 is now closed.
All Children Thrive – California (ACT) is a statewide, community-driven program that helps local communities pass public policies and create systems change to reduce adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). The program currently works with 18 nonprofit organizations and several public officials on issues such as:
- Promoting Healthy Child Development
- Creating Protective Environments
- Youth Development and Civic Engagement
- Strengthening Economic Supports for Children and Families
- Access to Safe and Stable Housing
Of course, changing public policy is not a quick or easy process. It requires a thorough understanding of local political dynamics, significant knowledge of the relevant policies, and the capacity to achieve change. This is why ACT provides:
ACT is currently accepting Readiness Assessments to determine select organizations with geographic diversity across California, readiness to engage in policy, systems and environmental change projects and demonstrated community need. Organizations will be selected to interview based on the Readiness Assessments and then move to a non-competitive Request for Application process in October 2023.
All questions regarding this RFA-Readiness Assessment may be submitted via e-mail to Lourdes Perez at LP@phadvocates.org.
Request for Applications (RFA)/ Readiness Assessment
There are four selection criteria for the All Children Thrive RFA process: 1) nonprofit status or tribal nation sovereignty; 2) geographic diversity across California; 3) readiness to engage in policies, systems, and environmental change projects; and 4) demonstrated community need.
The Readiness Assessment is the first step in the All Children Thrive RFA process. According to the Readiness Assessment, nonprofits 501 (c)(3) and/or tribal sovereign nations that are a good fit will be invited to interview in October 2023. Up to thirteen applicants from the interviews will be invited to a non-competitive Request for Applications process in October 2023.
The ACT RFA will support ACT Design Teams for up to a three-year grant period for a total award amount of up to $200,000.
Key Dates
Readiness Assessments must be submitted between July 17, 2023, through August 25, 2023.
Readiness Assessment Webinar August 17, 2023
RFAs must be submitted between October 18, 2023, through November 17, 2023.
RFA Webinar October 27, 2023
Readiness Assessments Submission
Selected applicants from the Readiness Assessment will be invited to an interview in October 2023. Selected applicants from the interviews will be invited to submit a full RFA (Request for Applications). RFAs will be provided by invitation only by October 18th, 2023.
Still have questions?
Sign up for the Readiness Assessment webinar from 1 to 2 pm, on August 17th, 2023.
Please submit questions regarding this RFA-Readiness Assessment via email to Lourdes Perez at LP@phadvocates.org, prior to the webinar.
Grant Awards
Grant awards will be announced on November 30, 2023.
Funding Availability
As many as thirteen project proposals will receive up to $200,000 each to support eligible activities and allowable expenditures for up to a three-year participation in ACT. These funds are a one-time allocation to support ACT activities in 2024 through 2026. Applicants are to remain cognizant that the use of ACT appropriations from the California General Fund and the activities proposed in response to this RFA must be consistent with the authority provided under SB115. Funding is contingent upon available revenues and appropriations by the Legislature and the California Department of Public Health.
Eligibility Criteria
Organizational Status
Applicants must currently be a 501 (c)(3) or tribal sovereign nation.
Geographic Diversity
ACT is funded by the California Department of Public Health. To ensure that funds are equitably distributed to support the state’s geographic diversity, jurisdictions will be prioritized for funding in the following order:
- Jurisdictions within the Mental Health Regions
- Jurisdictions that increase the geographic diversity of the counties represented from their Mental Health Region
- Jurisdictions collaborating within a Mental Health Regions
Readiness is determined by the applicant’s ability to engage in policies, systems, and environmental change projects in one of ACT’s focus areas (please see below). In addition, your project must demonstrate that this focus area is a priority for your local community, that your community has existing coalitions and/or efforts underway within this focus area, that there are other entities working on this focus area, and that there is commitment from local government or other funders.
ACT focus areas:
- Promoting Healthy Child Development
- Creating Protective Environments
- Youth Development and Civic Engagement
- Strengthening Economic Supports for Children and Families
- Access to Safe and Stable Housing
Demonstrated Need
Community need is demonstrated by the evidence or data that supports your choice of focus area and by providing data or evidence that this focus area is a high need in your community.
Appeals Process
If your application is denied you may file a written appeal letter by sending an email between October 16, 2023, and October 20, 2023 (120 hr appeal window) to info@act-ca.org. The Director of the All Children Thrive, California project, or their designee, will make a decision on the appeal based on the written appeal letter. The decision of the Director of the All Children Thrive, California project, or their designee, shall be the final remedy. Applicants will be notified by e-mail within 15 days of the consideration of the written appeal letter.
RFA 3.0 Process
Want to learn more about the application process?
Point of Contact
All questions regarding this RFA-Readiness Assessment may be submitted via email to Lourdes Perez at LP@phadvocates.org